She Doesn’t Need to be Saved.

You cannot seek to tame her. She will not be forced into a watered-down version of herself to satisfy the ideals of a weak man. She needs room to roam and the freedom to be who she is. If she feels too constricted, she will rebel against it. She is not docile or submissive and doesn’t need to be doted upon. If she feels she isn’t seen as an equal, she won’t hesitate to break away.

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Creating a Life that Feels Good on the Inside

I’m a true believer that we have to follow the things that excite us because they aren’t random. They are connected to our purpose. We have to follow them and the world will thank us for it. Our dreams and our passions, our curiosities and our sources of joy, they are on purpose, and they are part of something bigger that we could ever comprehend.

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Creative Self-Care

Creativity is the most efficient pathway to wonder.
— Elizabeth Gilbert

I started drawing in coloring books a few years ago to help with anxiety and I can say that it definitely helped. I mean… just looking at those colorful pictures depicting underwater creatures makes me feel good.

On top of making something beautiful, I’m also unleashing my natural creativity. As Tim Harford said in his TED Talk, the secret to creativity is multitasking in slow motion. Creativity comes when you take an idea out from its original context and put it somewhere else, like solving a problem while taking a bath. Being stuck on something is a great opportunity for doing something else and keep our ideas straight.

You might ask why I would spend my time on drawing in a coloring book, I do it to disconnect, I do it because I am in no hurry at all,

  • If you can't see what I'm already getting out of this, then I'll never be able to explain it to you.

  • Art is nothing more than decoration for the imagination. 

  • Art is absolutely meaningless but also deeply meaningful.  Big Magic